viernes, 10 de junio de 2016

Hyping for OVERWATCH 4: D.Va

Hana Song a.k.a. D.Va, was a professional StarCraft player, Kawaii as fuck

                                        "I play to win"

Her Mech is equipped with two energy miniguns called Fussion Cannons, her Mech can also activate the Boosters and the Defense Matrix, shield that reflects bullets.

Her ultimate is called Self-Destruct, D.Va jumps out of her Mech which starts a self destruct mode, after 5 seconds it explodes, is then out of the Mech, and can shoot with her hand pistol or recall other Mech

                                    "Nerf this!"

Hyping for OVERWATCH 3: Widowmaker

Amélie Lacroix a.k.a. Widowmaker is a cold-blooded assassin, once afraid of spiders, now lover of them
                                     "One shoot, one kill"

She uses a long ranged sniper rifle, that transforms into a mid ranged automatic weapon, that ability is called Widow's kiss, she uses Grappling Hook to reach high places to set up her sniper position, she also can throw Venom Mines, to poison approaching enemies.

Her ultimate is called Infra-Sight, and allows her to see enemies behind walls to prepare the shot and aware allies.

Usually Widowmaker stays in the backline, making headshots from the distance.

                             "À la vie, à la mort"

martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Hyping for OVERWATCH 2: Junkrat

Jamison Flawkes a.k.a Junkrat  is an explosive fanatic who enjoys chaos and destruction
                          "It's a perfect day for some mayhem"
 Junkrat's passive is Total Mayhem, when he dies he drops several grenades
He wears a Grenade Launcher, some Landmines and some Traps 
 his grenades bounce until they reach an enemy or when they have bounce several times, then they explode

His last ability is called RIP-Tire, its a motorized bomb in a tire, which can be exploded whenever junkrat wants

Junkrat usually stays in the backline throwing his explosives, also he can jump if he explodes his mine underneath him, due to his AoE damage he isnt difficult to play, but hard to master. 

                                  "Rest in pieces!"

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016


Lena Oxton, a.k.a. The Tracer is the most well known character in Overwatch

                                   "Cheers love! the cavalry's here!"
She's a playful girl, with a very characteristic british accent.
Armed with two dangerous pulse pistols, with high attack speed, the Slipstream and a Pulse Sticky Grenade,
Tracer is the character with highest mobility in all the game.

the slipstream gives her the 2 low cooldown abilities, known as Blink and Recall.
Tracer can explode herself with the Pulse Grenade, due to that most players use blink to approach enemies, throw the grenade and then recall

For more Info, visit Overwatch wiki:

                                         "Time's Up"

viernes, 3 de junio de 2016